it’s always more difficult climbing down the mountain

than it is climbing up.  Last week I hiked up Sulfur Mt. in the Rockies – slow, steady, one foot in front of the other, never looking more than five steps ahead, not looking back, then suddenly, I was there at the top of the world,  my cheeks bright and stinging from the cool icy wind.  Hiking back down – slippery, fast, requiring great concentration. And now I am metaphorically climbing back down the mountain after two weeks living/breathing/dreaming my work…two weeks of meeting fellow writers/artists, fascinating scientists… dreamers/doers.   Back to the day-t0-day world.  Back to working in isolation. Oh it’s not a bad thing… I am with my beloveds… still, I always leave a part of me in the mountains when I go. Here is the magic potion I take to get me back home… I get it on my internet radio, don’t know if it’s available online… it’s worth a try…click on flamenco…I dare you not to feel heat.

danish brilliance

Ms. Ellebelle  brilliance can’t begin to describe this one…I had the amazing experience of singing one of her songs with her today in her studio…Oh When the Saints… listen/treat yourself… guaranteed you will hear of her in the future…


I am a slapdash/promiscuous user of punctuation; some claim I am irresponsible in my metissage of /’s and ;’s ; others cite me incomprehensible;  yet others believe my work muddy (and I am grateful to all who make me take a second, third, fifteen look at my work.)  Two years back, Don MacKay chastised me gently for lack of punctuation!  And so the punctuation pendulum swings back and forth, back and forth. Here’s an interesting essay on the semicolon. Apparently it’s back (well at least in 1999 when the article was published; perhaps it’s out of fashion again).     I never realized the semicolon was gone in the first place. Secrets of the Semicolon  What punctuatorial secrets have you?